Francisco J Gonzalez

I'm a


I build user interface components to enhance application performance using modern React and ES6 JavaScript.

React Developer & Frontend Developer.

I use the lastest web technologies to make your website or app succesful.

I am a Software Developer and React Developer who is always up for learning new things and constantly exploring new areas of work. I am also able to leverage my existing skills and expertise to solve challenging problems.

I love see how just few technologies put together can make amazing things from just simple static page to very complex and large web applications.

I am also curious to know how other developers build amazing things and learn from them.


These are the technologies I use on a day to day basis.

View My Resume
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I am able to translate mock-ups into semantic HTML. I am familiar with working with designers that use technologies like Figma.

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I use CSS to help improve the constumer experience. I'm familiar with CSS in JavaScript, which lets me build these experiences efficiently in my codebase.

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I spend my days writing JavaScript, specifically ES6. I'm accustomed to writing both static and dynamic websites with it.

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React.js is my primary library for building frontend applications. Use React to create components to make better experience and add functionality.

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Use git for tracking changes in any set of files. Also to keep a history of changes for any programmer.


I enjoy prototyping and building applications. My recent work and projects are below.

Tenzies Game

Hacker News Clone



Guadalajara, Jalisco - Open to Remote

